Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Katie Couric Vs Glee

Wowza! People are really upset over this spread! We feel live we've seen so much worse, but whatever!
Katie Couric has added her name to the list of people upset over the risque GQ Glee spread by Terry Richardson. She was so outraged about it that she took time out of her CBS News broadcast to [...]


We're starting to feel like a broken record here with our consistent disappointment!

Despite being recommended for the position by New York Senator Chuck Schumer, openly gay Daniel Alter's nomination for federal bench in the US District Court has been rejected by the White House!

According to the Washington Blade:

“But informed sources told the Washington Blade that the White House rejected Alter’s nomination because of remarks he reportedly made regarding a case challenging inclusion of the phrase ‘under God’ in the Pledge of Allegiance. In addition, the White House reportedly objected to remarks that Alter made suggesting that merchants not wish shoppers ‘Merry Christmas’ during the holidays.”

So they threw Schumer's recommendation, which is standard procedure and tradition, out just because Alter supports a separation of Church and State?!


This nonsense needs to STOP! And soon!


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